Environmental Impact Study of the Industrial Bridge was approved by SEA

The commission of the Environmental Assessment Service (SEA) of the Biobio region of Chile. approved the environmental impact study of the Industrial Bridge Concession was approved. The bridge will cross the Biobio River in the Eighth Region of Chile. Also, this road concession will connect the municipalities of San Pedro de la Paz and Hualpén, allowing a reduction in the existing traffic levels, mainly of trucks in the municipalities, which for years have suffered from heavy traffic, traffic jams and long waits. In addition to improving intermunicipality connection, the concession will enhance road logistics with the ports of Lirquén, Talcahuano, San Vicente and Coronel.

The project will have a total extension of just over 4 miles (6.5 kilometers), which will make it the second longest bridge in the country, after the Chacao Bridge, with an estimated investment of $180 million and an approximate construction period of 3 years.

Lastly, the authorities indicated that if the dates and the stipulated course continue, the works of the Industrial Bridge should begin to be executed in the first quarter of 2019.