Río Magdalena Toll Road protects archaeological heritage

Fulfilling all the requirements and protocols established by the laws of the country and under the supervision of the Colombian Institute of Anthropology and History (ICANH), the Río Magdalena Toll Road is implementing the Archaeological Management Plan for the conservation and protection of the elements found in the execution of the project.

For this reason, the concessionaire created the Archeology Department, through which it guarantees that any findings of this kind is handled exclusively by professionals in the protection and safeguarding of the archaeological heritage of the Nation.

Archaeological pieces found along the Río Magdalena Toll Road are analyzed and interpreted in the laboratory installed in Puerto Berrío, Antioquia, in order to know what population they belonged to and what they were made for.

Archaeological findings!
To date, fragments of ceramic material, lithic artifacts (stone) and a ceramic vessel have been rescued along the road project. The latter was found in the Maceo municipality and transferred to the archeology laboratory located in Puerto Berrío, where an analysis and interpretation is made for its usefulness and purpose, determining which population it belonged to. A public or private entity that can legally hold these pieces is then sought.

The rescue, recovery, transfer, analysis and conservation of archaeological finds is performed by the Ministry of Culture, through the Colombian Institute of Anthropology and History, the agencies in charge of the protection of the national archaeological heritage.